Heatless Wave Hair

blonde model with blonde wavy hair

There are plenty of heatless wave/curl methods to experiment with and this has got to be on the top of the list! Using only a few simples tools, here’s how to create stunning heatless waves.







  • Gather your hair in a high ponytail, brushing it backward with your ‘Miracle Brush’ to ensure there are no tangles, and securing with a hair elastic. Now taking your hair donut, bring your ponytail though and split the hair into two sections. Next, take your left section and spray until its damp using your spray bottle. Once the hair is completely damp, pull it through the hair donut and wrap around tightly. Keep pulling this section of hair through and wrapping until you reach the end of your locks. Repeat the same process on the opposite side.
  • Don’t worry about securing the hair further at this point, as the donut will hold everything in place. Let your hair set until completely dry, and then remove for gorgeous heatless waves! If you are pressed for time, you can blow-dry your hair on a low-heat setting.


Note: to create your own hair donut you can simply take a sock and cut off the closed off. Then you’re simply going to fold the sock inward, and keep folding it in on itself until you run out of space. At this point you will be left with a nice and firm hair donut!


For Hair Extensions: you can also use the same technique! Split your wefts into two groups, secure them together with a hair elastic, and spray them until damp. Next, take your hair donut and pull through, continuing the same exact steps you completed with your own hair. This is a wonderful heatless technique to use in order to preserve the life of your hair extensions.


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Posted: Aug 08 2016
by: Leyla Milani Hair

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