4 Back To School Hair Trends
It’s time to go back to school, and students across the country are stocking up on more than just notebooks and cheap posters – they’re also sporting some chic back-to-school hairstyles. Whether you need to update your signature look or give it
a complete overhaul, a new haircut is a great way to keep yourself looking fresh and fashionable for the first day of class. Here are 4 runway-inspired hair trends that are sure to earn top marks this fall: 1)
Loosely Gathered. Designers like Nina Ricci, Marc Jacobs and Oscar De la Renta have been decking out their models in deliberately messy ‘dos all summer, and the look is sure to carry into the fall. You can sport your own
celebrity hairstyle by wearing your hair half-up, in side-swept chignons or in low ponytails that are loosely bunched and gathered. 2)
Feather Extensions. One of the hottest trends in back-to-school fashion is colorfully dyed feather extensions. These all-natural feathers can be styled and curled as part of your hair, and they add an elegant edge to any hairstyle. If you aren’t keen on being stuck with your new plumage every day of the week, consider buying real hair extensions and applying the feathers to them instead. 3)
Intentionally Frizzy. That’s right, we said it. It’s now fashion-forward to overwork your hair until it frizzes. Designers at Gucci have filled the runways with dynamic looks that pair sleek and taut tops with frizzed-out ponytails. Remember not to go too crazy when frizzing your hair, though. The texture should be used to accentuate, not dominate. 4)
Shocks of Color. Bright colors are making a splash in high-fashion hair again, but not in the way you might think. Full-blown dye jobs should still be reserved for
punk rock princesses, but adding a flash of bright pink or blue on layered hair can add intrigue and draw attention. Dying real hair extensions instead of your own hair is a great way to look radical while keeping Mom and Dad happy. Getting in touch with your wild side is the key to runway-caliber locks this fall, but that doesn’t mean you should move to the jungle. The best back-to-school hairstyles always start with a refined foundation that you unleash by letting it hang loose or adding some color. If you take our advice and express yourself a little this fall, you’ll be sure to get an “A” for style.