Heatless Sock Bun Curls

Model with sock bun curls

If you don’t want to tease your hair and use a lot of heat, THIS style is for you! It’s also super quick and easy. Here’s how to get heatless sock bun curls:


  • First, tie your hair into a high ponytail using a strong-grip hair tie. If you are aiming for overnight curls, be sure to position it higher on your head for ease of sleeping – but also, MORE volume! It’s not recommended to do this style on damp hair because it may not be dry by morning. If you do, first make sure your hair is about 95% dry. If you want the curls in the evening, then simply do this trick in the morning and let it sit for the day!


  • Next, take a hair doughnut (or make one out of a clean sock) à cut the toe part of the sock off with a pair of scissors. On the opposite end of the cut, simply roll the sock until you get a doughnut shape. After you’ve got your sock/doughnut, feed your ponytail through it.


  • If your hair is long, divide your ponytail into 2 equal sections once pulled through the doughnut. If your hair is short OR you want more volume, divide your ponytail into 3-4 sections instead. Put your thumb and index finger through the top of the hole of the doughnut and pull the first section of hair through. Then, simply repeat the same steps until all of your hair is wrapped around the doughnut. Tip: if you want tighter curls then use a thinner sock/doughnut – this will give you more ringlets. Also, if you have stubborn hair, apply some gel or mousse into your hair before wrapping it around the sock. When you’re done with one section of the hair, move over to the next and when you get to the tip of your hair, tuck it into the sock bun. Then, let it sit!



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Posted: May 18 2015
by: Leyla Milani Hair

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