Side Swept Lace Braid Hair Tutorial

This hair tutorial is feminine and floral! The Side Swept Lace Braid would perfectly complement flowing day dresses or provide a soft touch to any outfit. It will only work on medium to long hair however, so make sure to clip in your Milani Hair Extensions first! It can also be effortlessly converted into a stunning updo. Read on below for detailed instructions on how to master this hairstyle followed by a video tutorial at the end. • Divide your hair into 2 sections and make sure one side has more hair than the other. • Brush your hair to ensure that it is tangle free—the Milani Hair Boar/Nylon Paddle Brush works beautifully and won’t cause any split ends. • Pick up a chunk of hair at the top and divide it into three equal sections. • Take the strand on the right and cross it over the middle, then take the strand on the left and cross it over the middle. NOW take the strand on the right again and cross it over the middle BUT THIS TIME pick up some extra hair, adding it to the left strand and crossing it over the middle. Repeat these steps as you work your way down while gradually incorporating all of your hair into the braid. Once you’ve reached the end of your braid, simply tie it off with an elastic band. • Last, take your lace braid and wrap it around the back of your head, bringing it all the way around to the other side. Tuck the end of the braid underneath your hair to hide it and then secure it in place with a few bobby pins. • For added volume, curl the sides.

Turning it into an updo:

• Taking your hair on the long side, form a little bun and secure with a hair tie. • Next, take the bundle of hair and tuck it inside the braid. Roll it up to give it some shape and then secure in place with a few bobby pins. • Last, be sure to accessorize this hairstyle with a few flowers for some added feminine flare :) Video Tutorial:


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Posted: Nov 05 2013
by: Duck & Cover

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