3 Easy Techniques to get Big Curls

Rita Ora at a premiere with blonde sideswept hair

Everyone wants to know how to get those beautiful, soft, voluminous waves! Here are 3 easy techniques to master that will give just about anyone curl envy ;)






Always begin by brushing your hair throughout with your Leyla Milani Hair Miracle Brush, and clip in your hair extensions. Using your extensions is optimal for getting big, sexy curls since you’ll have more length and volume to work with! Once your hair is smooth throughout, you are ready to begin.


  1. Using a Straightener


  • This method is the quickest (and maybe the easiest) of all. Separate your hair into 2 sections and beginning from the front of your head, take 1-2 inch sections and curl away from your face. You can grab random sections, but try to make them similar in width.
  • Finish by spraying a light coat of your Leyla Milani Hair ‘Hold it Right There’ hairspray on level 1 and gently brush out to smooth out the curls.


  1. Using a Curling Iron


  • This technique is a bit more time consuming, but creates gorgeous, precise curls that will last for a longer period of time. Similar to the last method, separate your hair into 2 equal sections and beginning at the front of your head, curl your hair away from your face. Leave each curl wrapped around the wand for 8-10 seconds, then let the curl fall into your palm and let it cool for an additional 10 seconds.
  • Finish with a light coat of hair spray throughout and then, flip your hair upside down for a final coating of spray for a bigger lioness look!


  1. Heatless Waves


  • Less damaging to your locks, although gorgeous, but more time consuming. You’ll want to prepare this look at the beginning of the day, so you’re ready to go for the evening. Spritz your hair with water until its damp and then taking 1-2 inch section, rolling sections up until you reach the top of your head, pinning each one in place. This will give you more of a messy, beach wave look. Note: you can fast forward the drying process by using your “Blow Me Away” Hair Dryer on the cool setting (because this is a heatless look!)


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Posted: May 30 2016
by: Leyla Milani Hair

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