Faux Fishtail Braid

celebrity with fishtail braid

The fishtail braid has been a hot look for awhile, but what about a gorgeous faux fishtail braid look? It’s slightly different, ultra flattering for ombre and highlights, and perfect to wear with your Leyla Milani Hair Extensions! Check out how to get the look below.





  • Begin by brushing your hair throughout to eliminate any tangles and apply your Leyla Milani hair extensions for added length. For tips on how to apply the hair extensions, click here.
  • Now bring all your hair to one side of your head and separate about a 2-3 inch section and place a clear elastic band about mid-way down the hair. Then your going to create an open space just above the elastic, and flip the bottom section of the pony over and through the space.
  • Next, your going to take two more equal sections of hair, bringing them in front of the elastic band together and securing these two new sections with a new hair elastic. Once secured, bring the ends of the ponytail through the elastic (same as done previously). This is going to create a layering effect. Proceed with the same steps working through the rest of your hair, each time placing the elastic band a bit lower.
  • Finally, secure the bottom of your “fishtail braid” with the last elastic band. Now you’re ready to fan out your braid. Beginning at the top, pull slowly and carefully through each section of hair, creating a larger braid..
  • If you have any layers of hair hanging out, grab some bobby pins and pin them at the back of your head.
  • Last working with your bangs, take your Leyla Milani Hair ‘Triple Threat Interchangeable Curling Iron’ using the barrel size of your choice, curl your hair away from your face. Hold for about 10-15 seconds before releasing thre curl. Remember to always let the curl set in your palm for 5 seconds before letting it drop. Run your fingers through the curled sections and run your Miracle Brush through to soften.



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Posted: Mar 14 2016
by: Leyla Milani Hair

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