Royal Ringlets

We admit to being shameless Kate Middleton watchers – in our eyes she can do no wrong. We love her style, her taste, her poise, her husband…and most of all, her hair!   Sporting lush, thick, rich brunette locks, the future queen’s hair is gorgeous whether tucked into a smart hat, hanging loose, or swept into a regal updo. Recently spotted at Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee concert, attending the Diamond Jubilee River Pageant and at a Windsor Palace luncheon, her shiny locks often take center stage.   Get the look with Milani Hair’s glossy, gorgeous extensions in the color that best matches your shade. Simply clip them in, then curl with our triple threat ceramic curling iron – with three barrel sizes, you can get Kate’s stylish, bouncy, just-imperfect-enough-to-look-perfect ringlets in minutes. Thick, shiny, bouncy hair awaits!   Find your shade here: Pick up our triple threat ceramic curling iron here -


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Posted: Jun 12 2012
by: Duck & Cover

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