Hair Tips from Around the World

Mila Kunis with long brown wavy hair

It’s always fascinating to see how women all over the world are styling and caring for their precious locks! Here are some tried and true tips from around the world for great hair:


Keep your Strands Shiny

  • In Ireland the trick was to utilize rainwater washing to keep your locks shiny. Shiny hair is so desirable because it reflects light to create a more radiant look. Now we have advanced treatments like the Leyla Milani Hair Glossilocks Shine Spray to smooth down frizz, prevent sun damage, and of course, offer that brilliant, irresistible shine!


Pump up the Volume

  • In Czech especially (but also many parts of the world) it’s all about maintaining that seductive volume and bounce. From various styling products to teasing tricks, it’s a great idea to keep your Leyla Milani Hair Big Hair Don’t Care Powder around for an instant lift!


Boost Highlights

  • To make your highlights pop and shimmer, it is a common practice in Romania to add 1 Tbsp. of honey to your favorite conditioner!


Whirl Your Hair

  • In South Africa women would commonly wrap their wet hair tight around their scalp and place a stocking over their head to secure in place. Then a blow-dryer is used to remove about 80% of the moisture and then remove the stocking and repeat this but wrapping your hair in the other direction. The hair is then dried completely in the other direction. Once finished, brush your hair with your Leyla Milani Hair Miracle Brush and it will be dead straight. Alternatively, you can also use your Leyla Milani Hair Give it to Me Straight Ceramic Flat Iron for pin-straight locks!


Olive Oil

  • In Greece, women will commonly apply Olive Oil to their strands before slicking their hair into a tight ponytail heading to the beach. This will protect hair from the drying effects of the sun and salt water!


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    Posted by Samina on December 26, 2014

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Posted: Dec 22 2014
by: Leyla Milani Hair

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