Why Red is the New Black

These days red heads are the ones that seem to be having all the fun, at least from the looks of the red carpets. You can easily imitate these sassy celebrity hair cuts with red hair extensions of your own, joining the ranks of these scarlet starlets:
  • Rihanna. Her celebrity hair cuts always get attention, and this good girl goes red regularly. She was most recently spotted sporting these bright corkscrew curls for her “S&M” music video.
  • Khloe Kardashian. Do you need a way to stand out in a family of buxom brunettes? Khloe’s red hair may not have lasted long (E! wanted one consistent color while filming her reality show with husband Lamar Odom) but with multiple reports circulating how much she loved it, expect to see a repeat appearance in the future. You too can channel your inner Jessica Rabbit by using red hair extensions.
  • Christina Hendricks. Some people worry that red hair can limit your wardrobe or makeup choices, but this Hollywood rule breaker proves that red heads can wear red at the 2011 Golden Globes. From strawberry blond or soft auburn to fire engine hues, if you want to follow in this Mad Men star’s footsteps there are shades of red hair extensions to match your complexion.
  • Robert Pattinson. The only male celebrity hair cuts that could possibly have gotten more attention than RPattz going red would be Donald Trump or (heaven forbid!) Justin Bieber shaving their heads. Pattinson explained that his red hair came as a result of constantly changing color between filming Breaking Dawn and Water for Elephants. Taking a moment to admire Edward’s amber highlights brings up one important question – what would Bella think?
Red heads are known for being fiery and unpredictable but experimenting with this shade can still be a rational decision. In a world where the latest celebrity hair cuts change faster than the time it takes for your permanent hair color to take hold, red hair extensions let you jump on the trend before next week’s gossip magazines hit the shelves.


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Posted: Feb 03 2011
by: Duck & Cover

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